Thursday, 24 November 2011


Ok so im going to review one of my personal favourites, 'Code Geass'. First ill hit ya with a lil summary.
This guy lelouche(lulu) enjoys chess, and beats people with his god like ability.Then a green haired girl gives him this gangster purple eye that gives him the power to put bitches in their place. He then starts the rebel alliance and starts a war against the Brits and Japan. Then they enjoy pizza hut between fucking shit up. Cool summary bro. Fuck you

Story- ok heres the 411. the AWESOME. like they took the typical war, gave guys cool eye powers, make the son of Britannia's king, the leader of the Japanese Rebels, gave him a sweet suit, add some robots, and then add a Professor X cameo(lelouche's sister in a wheelchair). Who thinks of that? the Japanese, and this is why i watch anime. The story spreads across two seasons each with 25 episodes. Season 1 has THE biggest cliffhanger ever, and thank god i had the second season, or i would've killed myself. no joke. no homo.
Now lelouche (ledouche), is my favourite protagonist. He is smart, not a pussy, and takes the time to fuck shit up. i like that. immensely. He gets around with the girls too, but this isnt a harem anime, but there is some subtle romance, and that shit is gangster. Season 2 is in NO WAY a let down, if anything it has twice as many plot twist as the first season. And the end? lets just say you will cry like a girl. Nice.'
Season 1 story gets a sexy 9/10, season 2 gets a hardcore 10/10

<== How can you not cum on this guys face?

Art- The art is pretty sweet. The characters were designed my Clamp, so some style and swagger is clearly present , and you wouldn't be surprised if lu lu was actually black. Art gets a saucy 8/10

FUN VALUE- I enjoyed this anime a lot. I mean it. And why wouldn't I? awesome story and great art, great cast of characters, WAIT EXCEPT FOR THAT GLASSES BITCH THAT RAPED THAT TABLE, LIKE WTF GET OVER YOURSELF, I WISH SHE DIED, great fight scenes, and awesome ending. Keeps you on your toes all the way through. 10/10

Overall? This gets a gangster 10/10, I don't plan to give 10's out often, so watch this shit, or you gona be missing out on a wonderful treasure

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