Thursday, 24 November 2011


So this is my first anime review, and the one i chose to review is 'School Days' a gangster love highschool yandere anime full of "hell boring shit"<===sarcasm. So let me break it down for ya

STORY- Now the story was your normal, OH i'm in love with this girl and shit, so like cool?. then it turns out every girl in the school is in love with this guy. Now im going to point out that this guy 'Makoto' is my fav 3 protagonist. Why?, because unlike other harems, he isnt some pussy guy thats like oh too many girls, im running away. This Guy is like, nahh im gona cheat on my GF and fuck anything that moves. You dont see it, but it is implied. there is like 5 girls or some shit he gets freaky with, each girl fullfilling their stereotypical roll nicely. Bam, later half of season, shit goes down which im not going to say, because it will ruin everything. So yeah i give the story a decent 7/10

ART- the anime came out in like 2007,  so no excuses, the arts average, i thought at first it was like from 2005. art gets a gay 6.5/10

Music- Nothing stood out, though the ending does some tear jerking shit to you. a cheeky 7/10, only because of that moment.

Fun Value- Now i enjoyed this anime a great deal, watched it in one sitting, lots of WTF moments and yeah, the ending is some real heavy stuff. It gets a solid 9/10

Overall? loved the concept and the main protagonist, arts shit but who cares, deserves a 8.5/10. cool.

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